Friday, September 26, 2008

Too much volume....

The point of a "texlax" and underprocessing is to have more texture so it is more healthy and has more volume. Well to me there is such thing as too much. I like height on hair but goodness. I can have a sleek style and a curled style but not a sleek curled style? Well the top can be. Ugh! So i did the front already and the sides. I am going to finish the top/black later. I have no where to be so i am relaxing.

The top/front and sides are kind of high. You can still see the damage on the left side (my left) but it feels much better. the right is a tad damaged still, but it looks much better. I am tempted to have all the left cut off, lol! but then it would look funny because the puffiness would not allow for a fly look. Oh well :PSo next I will do the top back. The top is gonna have crazy volume, lol! Last time it was so high. On the other hand, I tried to see if i could roll my hair and i have a couple old foam rollers, it held! the front anyway. But I don't have enough. But the only place that needs to be curled is the bottom near my ears. It tends to flatten out after a day or so. Not sure why. The black actually makes me look bookish! LOL! I thought the deep dark black would keep it kind of unique but i look quiet. Hmmmm, take note for me, no black without another color. 

Also, I have been reading up on the pink. I know how to do it. So i am excited about that for when it gets long enough. I am being patient. Lord please let it be to my chin or close by by then. Oh the other reason for so much volume. It is "layered". That is why I say Lord please. Like the bottom layer will be but I would like a thicker amount to be that long. Sooooo, it may be close to that. I hope. Unfortunately from the temples of my head, it wont be....i doubt it will be anyway. It will be like where it is now by then maybe. (where the lower layer is). And the back will still have a "short cut" look to is not long enough to be like a bob yet. It is getting there. 

I am getting discouraged just because I am sick of the puffy but i know it will be fine when it gets longer. It being so close to my head (lol being short) I think is why it is just so irritating to me. I remember my hair was not bone straight and was puffy when long. Actually would be high like it is now, but when I wrapped it and took it back down, it would have volume but look good still. Like in the picture before the second cut. You could see it was volume but it was longer so looked nicer. I will be happy when it gets to that length honestly, lol! And then we will work on the next phase!

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