Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Late Wash

I washed my hair a couple days late because I was crazy busy with school. Ugh! But now i am officially on break, so I will be able to do 5days!!!

I pre-pooed with Lekair, carrot oil, some other conditioner, and some indian hemp oil I had. I washed it with the shampoo (twice like you are supposed to), then I deep conditioned with the replenishing pak for an hour. Oh I pre-pooed for 2 hours. After that I let me hair air dry with the leave in conditione and straightening cream. The back was not very soft and it was way too curly, so i rewet it (after trying to flat iron a little of it) and blew it out. I already did the front and am procrastinating on finishinG! LOL! I am so lazy right now, and I deserve it. Sooooo, I am going to go on and try to finish it now so I can wrap it tonight. The sides (in the same spots) are a little rough. But over the week last week I was able to get the to soften up. I thought it was a split damage issue, but it seems to be dry. I thought all the conditioning would help more. So Maybe it is dry/damage still. Anywho, I am about to finish the back. Sooooo if there are any developments there will be 2 of these!!!

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