Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Okay, so have not written in here since march! dang! let's start with that hair style.

I had it for a week and forgot to get braid spray so it was itchy....nothing was helping it. it got dandruffy and i was done. but it was really simple and cute!

After taking it out me and my friend who braided it got busy so i never got it braided again like i said.

Easter, i colored my hair! GASP! I know I said i wouldnt but i did and am so happy because when i change my hair, it relieves stress. and honey! right after that there was tons of it!

So idk the was dark and lovely and it was like a golden blonde (not the light golden blonde). My hair was DARK, so it came out not that bright but i like it. I did try the pink rinse on top of it, but you couldnt see it well. like just in a portion.

Oh! so, it has been growing very well....i picked it out about a month ago maybe? and it was pretty large. It could be longer for 8 months, but u know most of that was during the cold months. I am hoping it will grow more now that it is warm.

I am trying to be sure I keep it moisturized since it is so hot and it is colored. Have to keep up with that. The funny thing is, with the humidity, my curl pattern comes through really well.

But the shrinkage is crazy, so it looks short still. LIke it looks like it is the same length til i pull it and it's like wow! there is hair! and lots of it. Actually, i made avideo but it was long and never uploaded it. May make another. But it was like a short mushroom cut. Like i have a good length bang section. The ear area is past my ears, it is doing great! trying not to ramble so i will make a new post for my new goals. and another for photos!!!

Oh and my routine is roughly the same, but want to make one addition!!!!

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